Foods and Vitamins to protect body against radiation exposure..

        Concerns about radiation poisoning and exposure have led many people to wonder if there are some pills or treatment that will help protect them. Radiation exposure can lead to thyroid cancer and this is one of the greatest risks of death. There are actually some natural treatments and food products that can help a person deal with the effects of radiation poisoning. Not all treatments will work for every type of radiation, but some of these remedies can be helpful for certain types of exposure.

Potassium Iodide
Potassium Iodide is the most famous supplement made for radiation treatment. If you saturate your body with potassium iodide, it helps to protect your thyroid from absorbing radiation from nuclear sources. The effects only last for 24 hours so the substance must be taken daily during the threat. It only helps protect from radiation leaks from power plants and not from nuclear bomb attacks from terrorists because of the different types of isotopes.

Naringin is a bioflavonoid compound that is found in citrus fruits such as grapefruit. It has been known to attack and help repair cells that have radiation damage. There is no proof that it helps to prevent radiation poisoning though.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been proven to be a valuable asset to fighting radiation poisoning. It can not only protect you from radiation but also help your body recover from previous exposure. Lemons have also been proven to be a good source.

Kelp is large algae seaweed that grows in the ocean.  Kelp is edible and high in iodine. It helps the body to prevent absorption of strontium 90 which is a by-product of nuclear plants. Kelp also helps to fight the effects of cesium, barium, cadmium, and plutonium.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D, especially in an active form calcitriol, has been shown to fight the effects of radiation poisoning. It helps to trigger communication between the cells and the prevention of dead cells to become cancerous. It has been shown to be helpful before and after exposure to radiation.

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