Good Food for High Blood Pressure

Choosing food for high blood pressure sufferers need not be a daunting task or a boring one. Tips and recipes from around the world are soon to collect here, so we will have a whole menagerie of cultures to choose from. Heh! Let’s face it! Can you find a better excuse for enjoying the culinary delights of the whole world? Well, ok, there are lots, but at least just drooling over the recipes will make your blood pressure drop a few mmHg. And that’s exactly what I have in store for you in this little corner of delightful indulgences.
Here you are going to find a high blood pressure recipe to suit almost everyone, and if the dishes don`t stop you worrying over your high blood pressure for a while, then nothing will.
Starting with a list, preferably organic, of the main food categories that are known to help reduce high blood pressure, will help those of us who are born Chefs in the kitchen to create new, tasty dishes.

 Parsley, Celery , Spinach, Green Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots (raw), Beets (raw), Tomatoes, Garlic, Asparagus
These vegetables are at the top of the list of food for high blood pressure, for supporting the cardiovascular system either by their powerful antioxidants or diuretic activity.

We have so much potassium rich fruit to choose from as food for high blood pressure. Instead of buying the usual, step out of the comfort zone and mix in some exotic varieties.
Sanguinello (the Sicilian blood red orange)
A medium sized sanguinello has 260mgs of potassium.

Bananas are a well known nutrient packed food for high blood pressure. When you are in a hurry and don`t have time to sit and eat, pack a banana. What`s more maybe they protect against heart disease and stroke!

Anyone for tennis? One of the highlights of Wimbledon Tennis season is the strawberries and cream. Lovely! They definitely need to provide food for high blood pressure there, I should say! Strawberries are a great source of vitamin C, flavanoids and need I say it, potassium. Available worldwide they are found in desserts from around the world.

Apricots glow with beta-carotene and potassium

Passion Fruit
Don’t forget the passion fruit. They call it Parcha in Puerto Rico believing that it lowers blood pressure. The flower too, as a herb, is noted for it`s effectiveness. It is said that if you eat enough of the fruit you can fall in love with the person sitting next to you, so if you want somebody that badly, invite them out to dinner and eat, drink and sleep Passion fruit. Eat your heart out King Solomon!
As a reminder, rich potassium laden food for high blood pressure should be eaten in balance. These are only rough guidelines to give you an idea of the choices. Your dietician knows you as an individual having specific needs.

Healthy Juice BlendsThis page is not just about food for high blood pressure, but also drinks too. While I was in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco Mexico, I sampled 2 great juice blends that are good for helping to lower blood pressure. If you are taking diuretics, consult your doctor before consuming them as some of the fruits and veg contain high amounts of potassium.

Vampire Juice
This juice blend consists of carrot, celery, and beet. Three vegetable juices that compliment each other and taste really great. Beet has been discovered to open the arteries and help blood flow, reducing blood pressure for up to 24 hours after consuming.

Diet Juice
This juice contains grapefruit, pineapple, celery, parsley, and wait for it...cactus! This combination of juices are great for reducing your weight and your blood pressure.
The taste is very refreshing and pleasantly sweet. If you don`t like the taste of celery very much, you don`t really taste it in this drink.

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