Natural Health Tips

It is rightly said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You know the maxim, but the big question is - how many of us practice the idea? Not many. We do not also often ask ourselves why we did not prevent an ailment, or illness, when it was knocking at our body's door with some of the most simple, and most effective, remedies available at home, or in the kitchen. This section presents you health tips from the world of natural, complementary and alternative systems of medicine - and, offers what you can do to prevent and manage common illnesses, naturally, and without side-effects.
  It is said that 5 leaves of holy basil, taken on a daily basis, can help us avoid diseases such as hepatitis and typhoid.

  Two basil leaves, a grain of salt, and a pinch of pepper powder, when applied and pressed against the affected tooth is said to be just as useful for toothache.

  A glass of water, when taken along with a piece of jaggery after meals, is said to be effective in acidity, gas, and bloating.

  The juice of carrot and tomato, mixed with some honey, is suggested to be a good tonic for children.

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